We run flocks of North Country Cheviots, Blackface, Icelandic and Hebridean sheep.
We are currently growing our rare breed flock of pedigree Icelandic sheep. These are a hardy breed which are know for their beautiful shaggy fleeces which keep them warm through the cold and wet winters.
We have been keen to start a small herd of cattle and recently acquired three pedigree Shetland Cattle to join our croft.
Shetland Cattle are hardy, hairy and friendly. They are also smaller in size which means they have less impact on the land but are still able thrive in harsh conditions. They love hay but will also forage on the rough, hilly pasture.
We keep many different chicken breeds including Aracuna, Brahma, Leghorn, Orpington and Sussex. They provide us with beautiful coloured blue, white, green, brown and beige eggs. We hatch new chicks every year and as such, our flock is continually expanding. Our hens roam over the moors and top up their daily feed by foraging in the heather.
We keep different varieties of pigs and currently have some Oxford Sandy & Black gilts which we are planning to breed from. They love their food and come running to greet us for their dinner.
Pigs are very good at turning over the ground and making it fertile. They are currently helping to clear the rushes on the croft.
Get in touch if you would like to buy any of our livestock